A bi-annual Irish publication rooted in soil, stories, and our shared humanity



We have successfully funded our campaign on Kickstarter to get the first issue of Le Chéile Journal printed!

Every purchase you now make directly goes to funding the printing of our next issue.

Please note we are a not-for-profit volunteer-run publication—we generally are able to the Post once a week to send out your orders. Sometimes our work-schedules allow us to go more or less frequently. We apologise for any delays, we’re doing our best with our current resources!

You can also find our journal at many shops across Ireland, click here to see our stockists or become a stockists.

Le Cheile Journal | issue one// 2021

A 74-page publication, printed on high-quality recycled paper. Full colour & advert free.

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Le Chéile Journal Annual Subscription

A subscription to our annual publication, .you will receive 1 copy of the journal a year in the Spring

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12 copies of Le Chéile Journal // issue one
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25 copies of Le Chéile Journal
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“The main awakening of the human spirit is in compassion, and the main function of propaganda is to suppress compassion.”

Joseph Campbell